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المزيد من المعلومات

mining activities in the open mine

Long-term open-pit mining activities at the world's largest

However, long-term mining activities affect these elements mainly through mining-contaminated soil as opposed to mining emissions. This study confirms the significant impact of mining

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Monitoring Mining Activities Using Sentinel-1A

2021年11月8日  The main objective of this study is to monitor the mining activities of four open-pit coal mines in the Wucaiwan mining area in China from 2018 to 2020, namely No. 1, No. 2 (containing...

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Mapping open-pit mining area in complex mining and mixed

2024年5月1日  Among the many methods of monitoring open-pit mining areas, satellite remote sensing is the most widely used and effective. However, few works have been conducted to

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A historical and future impact assessment of mining activities

2021年3月1日  Mining activities and associated actions cause land-use/land-cover (LULC) changes across the world. The objective of this study were to evaluate the historical impacts of

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Mine Planning and Open Pit Optimization SpringerLink

2024年10月31日  Open pit optimization is a critical facet of strategic mine planning, essential for maximizing resource recovery, operational efficiency, and economic returns in surface mining.

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Global mining footprint mapped from high-resolution

2023年4月22日  Our analyses indicate hot- and cold-spots of global mining activity, explain patterns occurring at large- and small-scales of mining, and show the enormous potential

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Analysis of Activity in an Open-Pit Mine by Using

2021年5月10日  In this study, time-series of Sentinel-1A/B Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) coherence images were used to monitor the mining activity of Musan open-pit mine, the largest iron mine in North Korea.

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Monitoring Mining Activities Using Sentinel-1A InSAR Coherence in Open ...

2021年11月8日  This study monitors the mining activities of four open-pit coal mines in the Wucaiwan mining area in China from 2018 to 2020 and uses the normalized differential activity

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Multitemporal analysis of land subsidence induced by open-pit mining ...

2024年3月15日  In monitoring surface deformation caused by mining activities, various geodetic survey techniques, both land-based and remote sensing-based, have been used. Land-based

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Harmful mining activities, environmental impacts and effects

2017年12月5日  However, state and local authorities have been pushing for a more significant role in regulating mining activities within their areas. In a recent interview, the Eastern Equatorial State governor ...

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Perceptions of local communities regarding the impacts of mining

2023年1月1日  In order to curb the problem of unemployment, communities, employees and their unions have made various proposals ranging from the nationalisation of mines, the institution of state-owned mines, and the beneficiation of raw materials in South Africa before exporting finished products to other countries (Limpitlaw, 2011).However, many mining companies have

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Mapping open-pit mining area in complex mining and mixed

2024年5月1日  Much of the damage by mining came from the dredging and overburdening of land, the main cause of which was open-pit mining activity. Open-pit mines in Shanxi Province are widely distributed throughout the province, with many mines densely distributed to form huge mining clusters, and the remaining a very large number of small mines scattered ...

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(PDF) Environmental Impact Assessment Of Mining Activities.

2011年1月1日  Although underground mining is less destructive than open-pit mining, it has destructive effects. When soil and rock wastes from mines come in contact with air and water, they cause pollution [18 ...

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Response of ecosystem services and environmental dynamics in large open ...

2024年6月1日  Coal is a non-renewable primary energy source that plays a crucial role in facilitating socioeconomic advancement. Open-pit mining is the principal method of global coal mining, accounting for more than 80% of the total production (Dai et al., 2014).In 2018, the share of open-pit coal mine production in major coal-producing countries, such as India, Indonesia,

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The stages of mining: 5 lifecycle processes explained - Opens

2024年12月11日  Mining activities, including prospecting, exploration, construction, operation, maintenance, expansion, abandonment, decommissioning and repurposing of a mine can impact social and environmental systems in a range of positive and negative ways. Mining companies need to integrate environmental and social impact assessments into mining projects.

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exploitation scheme in open-pit mining strategic mine planning activities. In the first part, the concept is introduced examples where the thrust size is fixed and the number of spades is changed. The second part includes a discussion of motivations and limitations may be taken into account by the mine planner when designing.

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A review of methods in the field of detecting illegal open-pit mining ...

2021年11月1日  Illegal open pit mining might be a very dangerous activity both for the environment and also for the people living in its neighbourhood. This kind of activity is connected with environmental ...

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Long-term open-pit mining activities at the world's largest

In addition to direct emissions from open-pit mining activities, contaminated soil and road dust act as secondary sources of contamination, spreading across a wide area beyond the mine. Consequently, the mine's influence on road dust can be detected not only in the vicinity but also at a much longer range.

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20 Pros and Cons of Open Pit Mining - Ablison

2024年10月30日  Safety Considerations: While all mining poses risks, open pit mines generally pose fewer health and safety threats to workers than underground mines. There’s better ventilation, no confined working spaces, and workers are not exposed to the threat of tunnel collapses. ... Water Pollution: Mining activities can lead to the contamination of ...

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Acid mine drainage from coal mining in the United States –

2020年9月1日  Acid mine drainage from coal mining in the United States – An overview. ... open pit mines, stockpiles, tailings, construction rocks, and rock cuts. While different active and passive treatment systems are available to treat AMD, prevention techniques and integrated management approaches could better identify possible risks, abate treatment ...

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Understanding the impacts of mining on ecosystem services

2021年3月1日  Mining activities can pose negative, sometimes irreversible damage to ecosystems, yet consequences for ecosystem services (ES) and their contribution to human wellbeing are more uncertain. ... The rationale for focussing on certain ES, such as erosion, which is often identified as a major problem in open cut surface mines, was clear in some ...

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A comprehensive historical and geolocalized database of mining ...

2024年3月21日  Principal producing mines included in the database are defined following Natural Resources Canada’s working definition: “A producing mine is a legitimate mining operation that has obtained all ...

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(PDF) Identification and categorization of hazards in the mining ...

2023年6月2日  This paper provides suitable categories based on rational data for creating a portrait in order to OHS hazards prevention in life cycle activity in mine. Process of risk identification and ...

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An update on global mining land use Scientific Data - Nature

2022年7月22日  Measurement(s) terrestrial mining Technology Type(s) satellite imaging Factor Type(s) area • polygon geometry Sample Characteristic - Environment land Sample Characteristic - Location Earth (planet)

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Mining industry and sustainable development: time for change

2017年6月9日  Past mining activities left such imprints in the environment, but two issues in particular are of major and worldwide importance: mine tailings and acid mine drainage. Tailings in general are voluminous and contain toxic elements that may be released and introduced in the biogeosphere (Nordstrom 2011 ; Jain et al. 2016 ).

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Quantifying the coal mining impact on the ecological

2023年7月20日  What is the ecological impact of mining activities? In this study, the Salinity Index (SI-T), New Gravel ... and shallow burial (Tan et al., 2019), which are suitable for open-pit mining. Opencast coal mines are safe and efficient, have low production cost, and high resource recovery rate (Li et al., 2013), which make it difficult to reuse the ...

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Determination of the Impacts of Mining Activities on Land

2023年4月11日  The mine, one of Turkey’s largest open-pit gold mines, covers a total area of 393.54 ha, with 205.30 ha of current and new project units proposed in 2018. ... 109.85 hectares of forest and 5.30 hectares of agricultural area were degraded to establish the mine site. Mining activities destroyed 115.15 hectares of land cover (Table 5).

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(PDF) Evaluating the Feasibility of Illegal Open-Pit Mining ...

2020年1月22日  Our study shows that InSAR coherence is suitable for the identification of mining activities, and our method provides a new approach for the detection and monitoring of illegal open-pit mining.

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Reclamation of Degraded Landscapes due to Opencast Mining

2013年7月1日  1. Introduction. Even though it is regarded as a crucial economic activity worldwide, mining has a significant negative impact on environment. Due to its nature, especially opencast mining inevitably leads to serious degradation on ecological and aesthetic values of

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المزيد من المعلومات

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