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agincourt batang toru

BERANDA - Agincourt Resources

4 天之前  Batang Toru, 1 November 2024 – PT Agincourt Resources, pengelola Tambang Emas Martabe, berhasil mengobati 3.258 warga pada kegiatan bakti sosial pengobatan gratis... Agincourt Resources menorehkan prestasi

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Agincourt Resources Tunjukkan Inovasi Jembatan Arboreal ...

2024年11月30日  JAKARTADAILY.ID – PT Agincourt Resources, pengelola Tambang Emas Martabe, mempresentasikan inovasi harmonisasi kegiatan pertambangan dengan pelestarian

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Preserving Biodiversity in Batang Toru Agincourt ... - Agincourt

Batang Toru, 9 August 2024 — PT Agincourt Resources, the operator of the Martabe Gold Mine, has expanded the lubuk larangan Satahi in the Garoga River, Batang Toru, by spreading

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Tambang Emas Martabe Batangtoru rehabilitasi lahan seluas ...

2021年7月3日  Medan (ANTARA) - PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR), pengelola Tambang Emas Martabe, Batangtour, Tapanuli Selatan, Sumatera Utara pada tahun 2020, sudah

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PT Agincourt Resources

2019年5月28日  PT Agincourt Resources merupakan perusahaan tambang emas yang berlokasi di Desa Aek Pining, Kecamatan Batang Toru, Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan, Sumatera utara.

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PT Agincourt Resources Resmikan Bagas Silua, Pusat Oleh ...

2024年10月1日  PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR), yang terkenal sebagai pengelola Tambang Emas Martabe, meresmikan Bagas Silua, sebuah pusat oleh-oleh yang berlokasi strategis di

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PT Agincourt Resources Tambah 1 Lubuk

2024年8月13日  Tapanuli Selatan, IDN Times - PT Agincourt Resources, pengelola Tambang Emas Martabe, memperluas lubuk larangan Satahi di Sungai Garoga, Batang Toru, dengan menebarkan 3.500 bibit ikan jurung dan 300

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World’s top sovereign fund latest to cut ties with

2023年7月31日  The Batang Toru forest is also known for its “unique assemblage of primates,” being the only place on Earth where three exceedingly rare ape species — Tapanuli orangutans, agile or black ...

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Madrasah Aliyah Nahdlatul Ulama Batang Toru Dapatkan ...

2024年10月4日  Agincourt Resources kembali menggelar program Martabe Goes To School (MGTS) dengan tema Pertolongan Pertama pada Kecelakaan (P3K) di Madrasah Aliyah Nahdlatul Ulama (MAS NU) Batang Toru. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada Jumat, 4 Oktober 2024 yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan siswa dalam memberikan

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The 10th Free Cataract Surgery of Agincourt Resources:

Medan, 9 September 2024 – PT Agincourt Resources, the operator of Martabe Gold Mine, successfully organized a series of free cataract surgery in 2024 by restoring the vision of 1,602 cataract eyes of 1,531 people in North Sumatra. This figure is one of the highest during the 10 years of the free cataract surgery program "Open Your Eyes, See the Beauty of the World"

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Batang Toru Nahdlatul Ulama Senior High School Acquires

2024年10月4日  Agincourt Resources once again hosted the Martabe Goes To School (MGTS) program with the theme of First Aid at the Nahdlatul Ulama Senior High School (MAS NU) Batang Toru. Held on Friday, October 4, 2024, this event aimed to enhance students' knowledge and skills in providing first aid in case of accidents.

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Batang Toru Fishermen Group Achieves First Tilapia Sales

2024年10月21日  In an effort to improve community welfare and develop local potential, Agincourt Resources together with the fishermen group in Suka Maju Hamlet, Hapesong Baru Village, Batang Toru Sub-district, has achieved a great achievement. After an intensive cultivation process, the fishermen group successfully sold their first tilapia harvest to PT Gobel Dharma

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Portal Kecamatan Batangtoru

SAMBUTAN KETUA PKK Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb Alhamdulillahhirobbilalamin DENGAN mengucapkan puji dan syukur kehadirat Allah SWT, kami sampaikan salam hangat bagi warga Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan, khususnya warga Kecamatan Batangtoru.

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Achieving The 2024 Tamasya Award and ISDA: Agincourt

2024年12月6日  Meanwhile, the Silver award was won for the media capacity building and the Agincourt Resources Olympiad (OlympiAR) program. Eliminate The Stunting. PTAR has been working on stunting in the Batang Toru sub-district, South Tapanuli, since 2022. At that time, seven children were confirmed stunted.

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Preserving Biodiversity in Batang Toru Agincourt ... - Agincourt

Batang Toru, 9 August 2024 — PT Agincourt Resources, the operator of the Martabe Gold Mine, has expanded the lubuk larangan Satahi in the Garoga River, Batang Toru, by spreading 3,500 jurung fish seeds and 300 kilograms of goldfish in the latest zone of Batu Hula Village. The initiative, which already covering five villages in Batang Toru, is designed to enhance

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Agincourt Resources Achieve the Best Award at the

Jakarta, September 26, 2024 - PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR) achieved the Best Implementation of Good Mining Practice/ GMP 2024 Award for the Group of Metal Mineral Commodity Business License Holders from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). The operator of Martabe Gold Mine also won seven other awards, including the best

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Agincourt Resources Showcases Arboreal Bridge Innovation for Batang ...

2024年11月28日  Batang Toru, 1 November 2024 – PT Agincourt Resources, the operator of Martabe Gold Mine, successfully treated 3,258 residents in a corporate social responsibility... Most Innovative in Education, Agincourt Resources Wins Subroto Award from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

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Agincourt Resources Raih Penghargaan Terbaik di Ajang ...

2024年9月26日  Batang Toru, 20 September 2024 – PT Agincourt Resources telah menebar 33.200 bibit ikan pada 2024, naik 16% dari tahun sebelumnya, di tujuh lubuk larangan di Batang... Operasi Katarak Gratis ke-10 Agincourt Resources: 1.602 Mata Katarak di Sumatra Utara Melihat Indahnya Dunia

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Most Innovative in Education, Agincourt

Jakarta, 11 October 2024 – PT Agincourt Resources, the operator of Martabe Gold Mine, won the 2024 Subroto Award for the Most Innovative Mineral Community Development and Empowerment (PPM) in the Education

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Supporting the Agricultural Sector in Batangtoru

2023年11月1日  PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR), the operator of the Martabe Gold Mine located in Batangtoru, South Tapanuli, is committed to providing ongoing support to farmers and enhancing agricultural productivity. Notably,

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Kegiatan CSR Agincourt Resources

2022年9月19日  CSR PErusahaan Agincourt pada Bulan Agustus 2022 difokuskan pada masyarakat dan daerah sekitar tambang emas Martabe. Secara detail, tambang emas Martabe berlokasi di sisi barat Pulau Sumatera. Yakni di

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Sentuhan Alam yang Menawan untuk Tingkatkan Ekonomi ...

2024年10月20日  Dalam upaya meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat dan membuka peluang kerja bagi generasi muda, Agincourt Resources menggelar pelatihan Ecoprint Senin hingga Minggu, 14-20 Oktober 2024. Pelatihan yang diselenggarakan di Sopo Daganak, Desa Napa ini diikuti oleh 19 peserta perwakilan dari 13 desa/kelurahan di Kecamatan Batang toru.

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Jaga Keanekaragaman Hayati di Batang Toru Agincourt ...

Batang Toru, 9 Agustus 2024 — PT Agincourt Resources, pengelola Tambang Emas Martabe, memperluas lubuk larangan Satahi di Sungai Garoga, Batang Toru, dengan menebarkan 3.500 bibit ikan jurung dan 300kilogram ikan mas di zona teranyar Desa Batu Hula. Inisiatif yang sudah mencakup lima desa di Batang Toru ini dirancang untuk meningkatkan keberlanjutan

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SMK Negeri 1 Muara Batang Toru’s First Rhizome Cultivation

On Friday, October 1, 2024, Agincourt Resources' partner school, SMK Negeri 1 Muara Batang Toru, specializing in Agribusiness, Food Crops, and Horticulture (ATPH), successfully conducted the first harvest of its Teaching Factory (TEFA) program for rhizome cultivation (ginger and turmeric). This achievement is the result of a collaboration between Agincourt Resources and

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Pengelolaan Lingkungan Tambang Emas Martabe Kualitas ...

2021年5月17日  Batang Toru, 1 November 2024 – PT Agincourt Resources, pengelola Tambang Emas Martabe, berhasil mengobati 3.258 warga pada kegiatan bakti sosial pengobatan gratis... Paling Inovatif di Bidang Pendidikan, Agincourt Resources Raih Penghargaan Subroto ...

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Bersama Mengembalikan DAS Batang Toru yang Mulai Terkikis

2021年12月31日  PT Agincourt Resources Tambang Emas Martabe belum lama ini melakukan penanaman sebanyak 3.500 pohon di bantaran sungai Batang Toru. Kegiatan melibatkan masyarakat dan aktifis lingkungan. Kegiatan penanaman pohon tersebut dilakukan sebagai komitmen pengelolaan lingkungan dan kelestarian alam Batang Toru, Kabupaten Tapanuli

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PRESS RELEASE - Agincourt Resources

2024年8月3日  Batang Toru, 26 July 2024 – PT Agincourt Resources, the operator of Martabe Gold Mine, is again holding a Free Cataract Surgery themed “Open Your Eyes and See the Beauty of the World” targeting 1,300 eyes in 2024. This

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Preventing Workplace Accidents at SMK Negeri 1 Muara Batang Toru

On Friday, September 27, 2024, Agincourt Resources successfully conducted another "Martabe Goes to School" program at SMK Negeri 1 Muara Batang Toru. This time, the program, a longstanding initiative of the company, focused on the crucial topic of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS). A total of 98 students and 4 teachers enthusiastically participated in the event,

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المزيد من المعلومات

حقوق حقوق التأليف والنشر: رقم التدوين Development Buide 10200540 -22.  خط الخدمة: 0371-86549132.  E-mail:[email protected]  العنوان: الرقم البريدي رقم 169 Second Avenue Avenue New Avenue: Chengzhou الصين: إحصاءات الموقع الشبكي 450001.